73 and 75 from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia! It may be awhile before I get this site functional, so please excuse the colors and crudeness.
In case it’s not obvious, this page is dedicated to my Amateur (Ham) Radio activity. I became a Technician at age 16 on August 4, 1992. I passed my General test on November 12, 2022, and my Extra on February 11, 2023. (My QRZ page.)
I’ve been a member of the East River Amateur Radio Club in Bluefield, West Virginia for more than 30 years. More recently, I became a member of the Appalachian Repeater Association, and the ARRL.
As far as work goes, I am an entrepreneur and a Field Engineer for SwiftNet Integration, LLC, where I do everything from server and network deployments to pulling cable and climbing poles. In addition to work, I do volunteer multimedia and IT work for my church, Voice of Praise Worship Center. I have a lovely wife, Alecia, and a wonderful son, Warren. While neither of them are hams, they both support and respect the hobby. Other hobbies include 3D-printing, audio/video production, digital controller tinkering, table-top gaming (RPGs & board games), astronomy/astrophotography, and playing saxophone. My wife Aleica runs an embroidery shop called Monogram Magic. (She has a cool line of ham radio items!)